Fruit Tree Nursery Work Experience

Spring is approaching in big leaps and screams for you to get outside. Are you interested in farming and would like to get to know and organic fruit tree nursery?

We will visit Floris Natuurlijke Bomen (Floris’ natural trees) near Den Bosch. Floris is a former MOA student. He will show us around his fruit tree nursery and teach us how to engraft trees. After that, you have lots of opportunity to get skilled at engrafting, because we will help Floris to prepare lots of young fruit trees so that they can be planted on Floris’ new field. Of course, there will be some lunch for you and we can finish the day with a camp fire.

In short: You will have a fun day outside helping on an organic farm and Floris gets some help with his work. What are you waiting for?

Dates: Tuesday March 19 and Friday March 29.
Time: Whole day, transport (probably) available
If you want to join, please send an email with you name and for which date you would like to subscribe to If possible, we want to carpool instead of traveling by train, because it is cheaper. Therefore also write in your email if you have access to a car and how many people could go with you. We can refund the fuel.