Organisatie van de FEI

Are you looking for an stage of scriptie? Organise a Farm Experience Internship on your university!

(before you start, you could decide to first join the FEI in Wageningen to get an idea about it, but you can also start organising it at your university right away!)

step 1: Find a chair group at your university, related to farming, food production, or agriculture.

FEI manualstep 2: Explain about the FEI, a world wide student initiative that works towards bridging the university with the farmers needs, and local, sustainable food production.

step 3: Discuss whether you can organise the FEI as your internship or thesis.

step 4: Get some people together (fellow students who also want to do this as their thesis/internship, NGOs, teachers, foundations etc.) and start organising : ) No worries, there are no rules, you are free to organise it in your own way. You can download our FEI manual for free, as a guide and inspiration to organise it.


step 5: Write a FEI manual in your language, and spread it in your country, to other universities. If you want, you can also organise lectures, write an article about it, contact the media, create a website etc. to promote the FEI. Let us know you are organising it, and we can put a link to your website as well.

Farm Experience Internship – Let’s start an Agroecological Revolution Together!