Dear members and enthusiasts of Boerengroep,

Welcome back to the second edition of the newsletter.

First of all, a warm welcome to all the new members. Without a growing community, we would not be who we are today.

Autumn is approaching, as the weather is suggesting, but contrary to other animals, we will not start hibernating but rather become more active and vibrant.

Starting on October 10th with a Boerengroep Open Meeting at The Clock House (our home base office in Generaal Foulkseweg 37) at 18. We encourage all new people to just come and meet us for a productive working sesh that can help us define the direction Boerengroep will take for the upcoming year 2023/2024. You can go through the “agenda” to understand what will actually be discussed. We will have a potluck to start off with filled tummies.

What to expect from Boerengroep? 

Get ready for an exciting adventure into the world of sustainable food systems, championing social and environmental justice in agriculture, and immersing yourself in the wisdom of sustainable farming!

We’re back, and we’re more pumped than ever to kickstart a series of captivating activities that will reignite our passion for conscious farming and nurturing our precious planet.

Join us as we embark on a journey filled with:
Inspiring Insights: Gain deep knowledge about sustainable food systems.

Community & Justice: Fight for social and environmental justice within agriculture.

Enlightening Education: Dive into the theory and practice of sustainable farming.

We’re here to empower you with the tools, knowledge, and connections to make a meaningful impact on our world.

For the newcomers as well as the veterans who stayed with us for a while, a bit of a refresher on what we stand for:


Stichting Boerengroep (Peasant Foundation) aims to create bridges between theory
and practice; Wageningen University and the realities and challenges of farmers in the
Netherlands and worldwide. Through educational and interactive experiences, both
inside the university and outside at the farms, we aim to engage students in the
philosophies and demands for food sovereignty, agroecology, and social and environmental
justice – for all living and non-living beings.

Stichting Boerengroep is embedded in the (inter)national movement that fights for
agroecology, food sovereignty, and social justice. In the Dutch context, we are for
instance part of the national Agroecology Network, a collaboration between different
social justice organizations and farms across the country.

Some history pills

Stichting Boerengroep was founded in 1971 by WUR activists, during the anti-CAP
protests that attracted between 100,000 and 500,000 European farmers in Brussels. A
few years after the publishing of Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’, this was an era of increasing
awareness of the environmental impacts of industrial agriculture. Boerengroep’s fights
were grounded in Marxist ideas, and were not only environmental, but above all social
and political: “agricultural modernisation and the dependency systems it creates were
criticised; the fight against agribusiness was a priority and the improvement of the
living conditions of agricultural workers too” (Boerengroep, 2021, p. 10). The
organisation conducted direct action, raised awareness in the university and lobbied at
various institutions across Europe. Areas of focus were gender relations in agriculture
as well as “public and private structures for rural development at regional, national and
international level” (Boerengroep, 2021, p. 10).

For more information on the history and previous years of work of Boerengroep as well as interesting insights from previous coordinators, get in touch with us through to get your copy of the 50yrs anniversary Megazine, where all of this info and more is shared.



How we work

For those who are unfamiliar:

Boerengroep meets about once every week, alternating between an informal break on Thursdays, and a semi-formal Open Meeting on Tuesdays. So, we meet for the Open Meeting, and the next week on Thursday evening we have our informal drinks (break), and then the next week an Open meeting, and then the next a Break, and so on…Mark these in your agenda’s:

10 October. Boerengroep Open Meeting – 18:00 at Clock House (Generaal Foulkesweg 37, 6703 BL Wageningen)

19 October. Boerengroep Alternative Break (Improv night with Inspring theatre) – 18:30 at De Superette (Chruchillweg 27, 6707 JA Wageningen)

24 OctoberBoerengroep Open Meeting – same same

2 NovemberBoerengroep Break – 20:00 Cafè Onder de Linden (Haagsteeg 16, 6708 PM, Wageningen)

We like to start our open meetings with a potluck, so be welcome to come at 18:00 to have food with us!

What’s in the works

This month, our theme centers on the question: ‘How can I contribute to a positive impact on the world?’ This inspiring theme stems from the feedback we received from students during the Summer AID 2023 program. They expressed a strong desire to engage with topics that empower diverse communities within the agricultural sector and enable them to take meaningful steps toward transforming the food system as we know it today.

Our upcoming events will focus on fostering communities of practice that play a pivotal role in reshaping the food system. These communities, such as Women and Youth, have often been marginalized and exploited, making it even more crucial to highlight their contributions and potential for positive change

Our first event on these thematic is coming up on the 19th of October. During the Alternative Break, we will have Mariana Figallo (coordinator of Inspringtheatre) taking us into the world of Improv. Theatre and helping us develop tools to work with the aforementioned theme. Register now!


To know more about the future events of this month, keep yourself posted through our social media.
















Time for action against Rabobank. Will you join as well on October 11th?

@ExtinctionRebellionNL and @greenpeacenederland are taking massive and peaceful action against Rabobank. For decades the bank has been pumping billions of euros into nature destruction, animal suffering, human rights violations and the nitrogen crisis. This has to stop!

Together we demand that the bank stops destroying and starts compensating for the damage it has caused. The more people stand up, the more powerful the message!

Joining the mass action against Rabobank? Sign up for updates on the action, trainings and more at:

Would you rather go to the demonstration in Utrecht? Then find more information and updates at:

#stopRabo #rabobank #greenpeace #extinctionrebellion #stikstof #natuurverwoesting #ontbossing #dierenleed #klimaatrechtvaardigheid



Join us on a journey to Food Forest Ketelbroek through the eyes of Daphne, our Chair! During our recent excursion, Daphne had a profound experience as she delved into the world of food forestry with Wouter van Eck. It wasn’t just about food production; it was a shift in worldview. Discover the heartwarming tale of beavers building dams and the valuable lessons they teach about coexistence and compromise. Learn about Wouter’s philosophy of “not intervening but understanding” as he tends to cranberry bushes, reminding us of the importance of acquainting with our surroundings. Food forestry isn’t just a practical endeavor; it’s a symphony of multicultural food-producing plans. Read her story below and stay tuned for more insights from enlightening journeys ahead with our Boerengroepies! #FoodForestry #Sustainability #NatureConnection

On October 1, Boerengroep went on an excursion to Food Forest Ketelbroek, which Wouter van Eck planted in 2009, and expanded in 2012. Daphne and Alváro share their experience.


Daphne: “I found the excursion very insightful. I had been hearing and learning about food forestry for years, and always found it interesting, so it was great to finally hear Wouter’s personal story. What stood out to me most was actually not so much the practice of food production but actually his worldview exposed in the story about the beavers and their dams, and the care for cranberry bushes. It teaches a worldview that treats other living beings as acquaintances, or even close relations, rather than mere instruments to our food needs or aesthetic preferences. At the end, I asked Wouter what inspired him and this brought him to an experience in Kenia, working in development work. He learned that the organization dismissed local people’s practices of growing food in a forest as not agriculture, while their ways planted a seed in his mind about food in forests.


A few years ago, the beavers settled on the  south-eastern side of the forest, in the waterway, to build a dam and a den. Afterwards, they also raised a dam on the north-eastern side as well. It was an impressive sight to see. The beavers increase the dam every time the water spills over, as it would in winter. For Wouter however, it posed a risk to his deep rooted chestnut trees, so he would at times deconstruct the top of the dam to lower the water table again. And the beavers will rebuild. And he will sabotage it again. “We have found a way to keep each other busy” he joked. It is telling, as it shows a way of interacting with ‘inconvenient’ species in an agroecosystem: instead of the ultimate act of removing or even killing, the usual responses, there is an interaction of compromise and toleration. The beavers are considered respected members of the forest. And Wouter practiced the way of acquainting, to get to know them and their ways, instead of distancing.


In the story of the cranberries, Wouter points to how he noticed that his intense laboring to remove ‘weeds’ around the cranberry bush, ultimately led to them being exposed to conditions of stress which affected their fruitsetting. Along this tale, he explained his philosophy of ‘not intervening but understanding.’ As in the story of the beavers, in this instance I was again remind me of the inspiring chapter ‘becoming indigenous’ by Robin Wall Kimmerer in her book Braiding Sweetgrass, which points to how indigeneity in her view is not so much an inherent quality that comes with being an original occupant of the land, but rather a process of acquainting with surroundings and other species’ ways and needs.


Regarding the potential of food forestry itself, Wouter was self-reflective and called his forest a ‘romantic’ version, meaning that the organization of multispecies is more a dramatic orchestra of multicultural food producing plans, rather than a convenient organization for food harvesting. While each species was planted in a place that matches the needs of the tree or plant in terms of light, wind, shade, water table, the harvesting of the trees is time-consuming. Wouter pointed to a compromise in pragmatism and idealism being developed in Food Forest Schijndel. Here, a balance is found in the pragmatism people need to harvest enough food without it becoming tedious, and in the ecosystemic needs of the trees and shrubs. I hope we can visit this site one day as well.



Celebrate 5 Years of Food Forest Droevendaal with Us!

Dear Green Students,

Join us in celebrating the 5th anniversary of Food Forest Droevendaal on Friday, October 27th. We have an exciting event planned to mark this milestone, and we’d love to have you with us. Here are the details:

Date: Friday, October 27, 2023

Location:  Droevendaal Farm, Kielekampsteeg 32, Wageningen

Time: 10.30 – 17.30 hours

About Food Forestry: Food Forestry represents an essential shift in our quest for sustainable food and nature systems. It reconnects people with nature by emulating the robust natural processes found in forests within our food systems. Additionally, it seeks to redesign business models, communities, and education programs, all geared towards creating future-proof societies. Food Forestry offers a ray of hope for a brighter future, and it particularly resonates with young individuals.

In 2018, we embarked on the Droevendaal Food Forest project to study and validate the promising claims of food forests. Since then, the project has evolved into a thriving Community of Practice. We are thrilled to share our discoveries, experiences, and future plans with you on this special 5-year anniversary. We invite you to join us and hear our inspiring story. We hope it empowers you to contribute to the transformation towards future-proof food systems and communities.

Registration can be done through this link and for the full program check hier inschrijven

Feel free to share this link with your friends and colleagues who might be interested.

Thesis and Internship Market: For students, there will be a thesis and internship market during lunch. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore exciting prospects!

We look forward to celebrating with you and sharing this momentous occasion.

Warm regards,

Stichting ReGeneratie Louise van der Stok, Jordy van Eijk, Ester Klein Hesselink, Wouter Venema, and Kees van Veluw





Explore the History Month Exhibition at the Museum de Casteelse Poort!

Dear Friends and (Former) Colleagues,

We’d like to bring your attention to an exciting event this October.

For the fourth consecutive year, the Museum de Casteelse Poort and the Historical Association Oud Wageningen invite you to discover an extraordinary exhibition.

As part of History Month (MvdG), the national theme this year is “Eureka.” This month, the Museum de Casteelse Poort in Wageningen is hosting an exhibition titled “Eureka in Agriculture: Golden Mountains and Shadow Sides.”

This captivating exhibition was created by Kees van Loon, Freerk Wiersum, Huib Silvis, and Jan Schakel, all four of whom are volunteers at the museum and former employees of WUR. Enrico van den Boogaard from the Wageningen Historical Association also participated this year.

Collaboration with Anneke Groen, curator of the Special Collection at Wageningen University, played a significant role in bringing this exhibition to life.

While the story behind the exhibition is intricate, the exhibition itself is wonderfully clear. It features 13 panels, each with intriguing titles such as ‘Architects of Agriculture and the Countryside,’ ‘And the Winner Is…,’ ‘Planets and Satellites,’ and ‘Behind Comes First.’ Additionally, you’ll find a substantial reading table filled with beautiful books, a screening of “Georgica,” and several display cases. Not to be missed are the special miniatures of Baron van Brakell, who, like Baron van Lynden, has a dedicated panel.


Event Details:

·       Date: From Sunday, October 1st, to Sunday, November 5th

·       Location: Museum de Casteelse Poort, Bowlespark 1A, Wageningen

·       Opening Hours

·       Wednesday to Friday: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

·       Saturday and Sunday: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

·       Monday and Tuesday: Closed

Don’t miss this fascinating exploration of Dutch agricultural history! We look forward to welcoming you in large numbers!

Jan Schakel, Exhibition Committee of Museum de Casteelse Poort

Contact: 06 42897296,



Celebrate Indigenous Liberation Day!

Date: October 12th, 2023

Mark your calendars! October 12th is Indigenous Liberation Day, and we are thrilled to invite you to join The Indigenous Liberation Movement in commemorating this important occasion. Check out the extensive program hier inschrijven 

The celebration promises to be filled with engaging programs that focus on education, raising awareness, and fostering dialogue, featuring international speakers, captivating performances, and a strong sense of solidarity.

Event Highlights:

·       Festival: Immerse yourself in a festival atmosphere with a wide range of programs that aim to educate, inspire, and empower.

·       Exposition: Explore thought-provoking exhibitions at Pakhuis de Zwijger Café, shedding light on Indigenous culture, heritage, and their vital contributions.

·       Solidarity March: On October 14th, join a powerful solidarity march dedicated to Indigenous People. We will walk from Dam Square to Kop van Java, united in our support for Indigenous rights and dignity.

Make Your Voice Heard:

Feel free to bring your own banners, wear cultural clothing, raise your voices with protest songs, and bring your instruments to add a harmonious touch to the march.

Special invitation to the Indigenous diaspora to lead the march and stand as a symbol of resilience and strength.

Ceremony and Tribunal:

Following the march,  a solemn ceremony and tribunal will happen. During this tribunal, we will hold accountable those individuals and organizations responsible for environmental destruction, loss of life, and the climate crisis. They will be symbolically represented as piñatas, and together, we will send a clear message of justice.


Let’s stand together, raise our voices, and work toward a more just and sustainable future.

let’s make a difference !

Global Call to Action: International Day of Action for Peoples’ Food Sovereignty against Transnational Corporations

Date: October 16, 2023

This October 16, 2023, join us and the peasants of the world, as we once again commemorate the International Day of Action for Peoples’ Food Sovereignty against Transnational Corporations. On this day, the global movement for Food Sovereignty stands united in denouncing the control of food systems by agribusiness transnationals, a global corporate network that exacerbates hunger for millions worldwide and mass malnutrition among new generations.

It is unacceptable that an increasing number of people are experiencing hunger and food insecurity, affecting one-third of the world’s population. These crises, coupled with massive migrations affecting millions and environmental challenges, create a scenario that impacts humanity at large.

We are facing an unprecedented food crisis. Our agricultural production, seeds, land, and territories are being monopolized; our peasant rights to income, a dignified life, protest, and autonomy are being violated. This food crisis intersects with climate change, wars, corruption, media control, institutional racism, and neo-fascism. Peasants continue to be criminalized, displaced, and deprived of their livelihoods.

We mobilize in response to these global crises.

This year, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is hosting the World Food Forum from October 16-20. We are concerned that large corporations may use this platform for their interests.

Action Steps:

·       Download the Communications Kit

·       On October 16, mobilize with us to denounce false solutions promoted by corporate power and governments. Say no to agribusiness and false solutions! Without Food Sovereignty, we cannot secure a future for humanity.

·       Join actions happening worldwide. Organize with your community or organization to showcase the value of the Food Sovereignty struggle.

·       Participate in agroecological fairs and events celebrating local peasants’ work and discussing their challenges.

·       Join La Via Campesina’s virtual action on #16Oct23. Capture and send photos of your action with our slogan, “Facing global crises, we build Food Sovereignty to secure a future for humanity.” Tag La Via Campesina on social media or send your photos/videos to

This year, La Via Campesina International also celebrates 27 years of their organized struggle for Food Sovereignty, which has evolved into a powerful global movement. Join them at their 8th International Conference in December in Bogota, Colombia, where they will discuss  progress and lessons learned.

Together, we face the challenge of implementing UNDROP, creating an alternative global trade framework, and consolidating a binding treaty against transnational corporations.

We aim to protect the rights of rural workers, communities, and the environment and promote Peasant Agroecology and Popular Peasant Feminism within our movement.

We are a diverse group committed to recognizing Food Sovereignty as a fundamental right, ensuring peace and social justice for our communities.

Join us in these global actions and stand with us for a future built on Food Sovereignty!

Do you have ideas on what to organize to stand in solidarity with peasants across the world? Send an email to with your creative input! Let’s stay in solidarity with peasants world wide and make their voice be heard.


Other Happenings

·       19 October: Thematic Event on “agrarian economics and extensification” (Dutch Spoken) (register before 13 October)

·       3 November Workshop Lichtveen “Introduction to No-Dig Gardening” (5 euro student discount)

·       4 & 5 November CSA Conferentie:

·       12 November 13:00 Climate & Justice March in Amsterdam, to join the Agroecology Section: (arrange a green farmer’s kerchief!)

·       13 November CSA Starter Course:

HUMANS of Boerengroep

Get to know the vibrant individuals who make up the heart and soul of Boerengroep in our “Humans of Boerengroep” section. We shine a spotlight on our diverse and passionate members, sharing their unique stories, interests, and contributions to our community. From students with a green thumb to creative enthusiasts and change-makers, this section celebrates the people who bring life and energy to our organization. Discover their journeys, inspirations, and the exciting projects they’re involved in. It’s a space where we connect on a personal level and celebrate the rich tapestry of talents that make Boerengroep thrive. Join us in getting to know the humans behind the scenes, and you might just find a kindred spirit!

Hello, everyone! I’m Paula Daniela, a Colombian student pursuing my MSc in International Development Studies (2022-2024).

I joined Boerengroep in early 2023, and it’s been quite a journey. We embarked on excursions to dairy farms, food forests, and various agricultural settings. It was not just informative but also a lot of fun. These experiences allowed me to connect with farmers and smallholders striving for a sustainable agricultural life amidst the growing dominance of large corporations and landowners in the Netherlands.

What truly made my experience special was the warmth and openness of the fellow members. Engaging discussions on intriguing topics combined with field activities made every moment memorable. Inspired by this, I took on the role of managing Boerengroep’s social media because I believe in the power of spreading our activities to more students and growing our community.

But that’s not all—I also have a passion for design and drawing. This creative side of mine led me to design some fantastic pieces for Boerengroep. One of my proudest achievements is the design of our new t-shirts, which we’re excited to share with you!

Currently, I’m in CalI, Colombia, doing my internship and thesis work, but distance hasn’t stopped me from staying connected and contributing through my creative endeavors.

A warm hug to all our Boerengroep members and supporters!



Hello, Dear Readers!

I’m Lisanne, a 21-year-old Plant Sciences student with a profound love for all things green and vibrant! Whether

I’m in the kitchen, whipping up delicious vegan dishes (check out our new seasonal recipe!), or experimenting with thrifting and sewing to create unique clothing pieces, I find joy in challenging my creativity. My life is an eclectic mix of hobbies that keep me constantly engaged and on my toes (literally!).

My incredible journey with Boerengroep began through a traineeship with Milieu Defensie’s Fair Future Generators. This green (yay!) adventure eventually led me to the wonderful world of Boerengroep, and for that, I’m deeply grateful. Currently, I’m pouring my enthusiasm into an exciting new project, and I absolutely can’t wait to share it with all of you!

I’m genuinely eager to meet fellow Boerengroep members at our upcoming events! Please don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation—I’m all ears and open to discussing any topic under the sun ;). Oh, and here’s a little tip to recognize me: I’ll likely be the one behind the camera, capturing memorable moments at our events.

Looking forward to connecting with you all very soon <3

With Green Love,



Vacancies and workshops

Rethinking Property for Sustainable Food Systems Workshop

Date: October 23, 2023

We are excited to invite you to the “Rethinking Property for Sustainable Food Systems” workshop, which will be held at Radboud University Nijmegen on October 23, 2023. This one-day interactive event, organized by Adam Calo (, Frankie McCarthy (, and Bram van Helvoirt (, is part of the Glasgow Radboud Collaboration Fund and the NWA program ‘Transition to a Sustainable Food System.’

What is it about? This workshop provides a platform for practitioners and researchers to exchange views, experiences, and expertise on topics related to land ownership, access to land, property, and land law in the context of Dutch food system transformation.

Why Attend?

·       Gain insights into the critical role of property in sustainability transitions.

·       Network with scholars and practitioners to exchange knowledge and expertise.

·       Collaboratively develop strategies for centering land, property, and ownership in conversations, research, and policies related to food system change in the Netherlands.

Who Should Attend?

This event brings together a diverse audience, including academic researchers from Glasgow and Radboud Universities in the Law and Geography Planning and Environment faculty, alongside practitioners from civil society groups leading the way in Dutch food system transformation.

Where and When?

·       Location: Radboud University Nijmegen

·       Date: Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Program Highlights:

·       Keynote address: “Can we reimagine our system of property (law)?” by Bram Akkermans, Professor of property law at Maastricht University.

·       Practitioners panel: Explore land access initiatives in the Netherlands with experts from CSA Netwerk, Federatie van Agro-ecologische Boeren, Het Heerlijke Land, de Biesterhof, Stichting Kapitaloceen, and more.

·       Breakout groups and plenary discussions on potential leverage points for change.

·       Lessons learned and the way forward, followed by networking opportunities.

Workshop Location: Elinor Ostrom Building (EOS 1.150) Heyendaalseweg 141, 6525 AJ Nijmegen

What’s Next? Following the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to engage in small projects like blogs or research proposals. A parallel session will record a podcast based on the workshop’s discussions and publish it via the Landscapes podcast.

We look forward to your participation in this insightful workshop, where we will collectively explore the intersection of property, land, and sustainable food systems.

For more details and registration information, please contact the organizers.



PhD Position: Scaling Rangeland Restoration in Drylands

 Department: Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

Are you passionate about environmental sustainability and ready to embark on a Ph.D. journey? Join us at SLU’s Department of Forest Ecology and Management for an exciting opportunity to contribute to the sustainable transformation of dryland ecosystems.

Research Project/Thesis: Scaling rangeland restoration in drylands through synergies in the biodiversity – water – climate nexus.

Research Subject: Soil Sciences

Description: Drylands, covering nearly half of the global land surface, are home to high biodiversity and provide livelihoods for over 2 billion people and half of the world’s livestock. However, these regions face threats from land degradation, biodiversity loss, water insecurity, and climate change. This Ph.D. project aims to address these challenges and generate knowledge on the biodiversity-water-climate nexus in East African drylands. By leveraging available data and conducting field experiments, you will investigate the interactions between vegetation, soil health, erosion, and water regulation. The goal is to identify synergies and trade-offs in ecosystem services and test innovative rangeland restoration methods in collaboration with local communities.



·       MSc degree in a relevant field (soil science, ecology, hydrology, physical geography, or related disciplines)

·       Experience with data manipulation, analysis, and visualization (e.g., R or other programming languages)

·       Proficiency in conducting fieldwork

·       Excellent oral and written communication skills in English


·       Experience and competence in rangeland ecology, soil hydrology, soil and water conservation, and restoration ecology

·       Knowledge of remote sensing and GIS tools

Position Details:

·       Fully funded Ph.D. position for four years

·       Collaboration with a dynamic team of scientists from SLU and partner institutions

·       Involvement in fieldwork, data analysis, manuscript writing, and project activities

Application Deadline:  October 15, 2023

How to Apply: Please submit your application, including a cover letter, CV, contact information for two professional references, a link to or copy of your Master’s thesis, list of publications (if any), and degree certificates.

Language Requirement: All documents should be in English, and interviews will be conducted online as part of the selection process.

For more information about the application process and specific requirements, please visit this link.

Join SLU in advancing sustainable food systems and ecological restoration!


Job Opportunity: Development Worker – Co-Management of Natural Resources

Location: Cameroon

Are you passionate about making a difference in the world and contributing to sustainable development? Join  the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) as a Development Worker in Cameroon. GIZ, a company of the German Federal Government, has been working toward development policy goals for over 50 years. They collaborate with partner organizations in 120 countries, engaging in diverse projects.

Job Details:

·       Job ID: V000056672

·       Location: Yaoundé

·       Assignment Period: 01/01/2024 – 12/31/2025

·       Field: Forestry, Biodiversity, Oceans

·       Type of Employment: Full-time

·       Application Deadline: 10/29/2023

Job Description:

As part of the global project Forests4Future, our mission is to promote state and private sector contributions to national and international goals related to forest landscape restoration, poverty alleviation, sustainable rural development, and good governance in the forest sector. This module specifically focuses on supporting Forest Landscape Restoration initiatives, addressing topics like land use planning, sustainable forest management co-management, restoration of degraded areas, income generation for local groups, and climate change adaptation. Our project centers its efforts around the council forest of Yoko, encompassing the municipalities of Yoko and Nanga-Eboko.

Your Responsibilities:

·       Collaborate with partner municipalities and devolved state agencies to develop and implement a co-management model for Forest Landscape Restoration and forest management

·       Facilitate the establishment of an inter-communal Landscape Forest restoration platform in partner municipalities

·       Contribute to the organizational development and capacity building of Village Forest Management Committees at the village level

·       Monitor participatory land use planning in villages

·       Assist the team leader in managing consulting services for local land use planning and integrated Forest Landscape Restoration measures

·       Contribute to knowledge management and share insights from Forest Landscape Restoration initiatives

·       Promote innovation, with a preference for digitalization-related competencies

If you’re ready to make a meaningful impact and develop yourself in the process, apply today!



If you do not fit this description please beware that Boerengroep is looking for committed interns who can propose their own pathways to help us achieve our mission!

Just reach out and try us. More vacancies will be drafted so keep track of our LinkedIn and other social media!














In our “What’s in Season” rubric, we’re excited to showcase the culinary talents of our community members, including active participants and dedicated board members. Each month, we’ll feature a selection of delectable seasonal recipes that highlight the vibrant flavors and nutritional benefits of using locally available produce. We believe that cooking with seasonal vegetables not only enhances the taste of your dishes but also supports sustainable agriculture. By exploring these recipes, we aim to inspire your creativity in the kitchen while encouraging you to make the most of what nature provides throughout the year. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or an enthusiastic food lover, our monthly recipes are designed to delight your taste buds and promote the joys of cooking with the freshest ingredients. Join us on this culinary journey, and let’s celebrate the beauty of seasonal eating together!

if you would like to be the next inspiring chef delighting us with their seasonal recipe, send us an email and you could be featured in the November edition of the newsletter! 




What is Stichting Boerengroep? 

Boerengroep is a critical organization that organizes lectures and interactive events to raise awareness about the challenges and alternatives in agriculture.

We have bi-monthly board meetings on Tuesdays, where anyone interested in helping organize events can join, and every alternate Thursday we organize informal meet ups: Boerengroep Breaks!
