November 5th: Panel Discussion: 8 Leading Female Activists from Asia and Africa


“Good news is the ear’s favorite dish” Ewe proverb (Ghana) – We come with good news!Date: 5 nov
Location: Leeuwenborgh, room C63
Time: 20:00, entrance from 19:30
Entrance: free

Stiching Otherwise, Boerengroep, RUW Foundation and ILEIA proudly bring to the WUR community eight renowned women farmers and activists from Senegal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Malaysia and Philippines. The guest speakers are astute global campaigners who are participating in diverse global campaigns to push through women’s agenda in agriculture. They have rich experiences and years of activism in the struggles for more sustainable farming that is gender responsive, ecologically and socially just. The speakers will share perspectives on current issues and struggles women farmers are pursuing as well as the advocacy strategies they adopt. They will highlight dimensions of agro-ecological farming methods, indigenous farming, linking farming with policy, leadership and rights of women in agriculture. This event promises to be great and engaging for all attendees seeking and contributing critical insights on women and agriculture issues.

Partipants will be:

>Sarojeni V, Rengman, Executive Director of Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific, Malaysia

> Nguyen Kim Thuy, Executive Director of Research Centre for Gender, Family and Environment in Development, Vietnam

>Gracy Valliamal, State Coordinator of the Tamil Nadu Dalit Women’s Movement, India

>Ndeye Maimouna Diene, Programme Officer of Pesticide Action Network Africa, Senegal

>Ponniah Logeswary, Program Coordinator of the Human Development Organization, Sri Lanka

>Gertrudes Ranjo-Libang, Vice-Chairperson of GABRIELA, the biggest national alliance of women in The Philippines

>Jovita Mataro Montes, Deputy Secretary General for External Affairs of GABRIELA, The Philippines

>Ma Johanna Busto, Coordinator of the Women In A

griculture Programme of Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific, The Philippines

Edith van Walsum is the director of ILEIA and will bring her rich facilitation skills to engage both guest speakers and attendees in close connection with each other for experiences, skills and knowledge sharing.

ILEIA is the Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture; an independent organisation that supports agroecological approaches and family farming.

African dinner
Time: 18:30, €5, location: Leeuwenborgh canteen

Chef Nelson Ntiamoah, famous for his cooking at the Leeuwenborgh

canteen, will cook his famous red-red dish: fried red plantain with moderately spiced beans sauce, hosting the finest tropical spices, fish and mushrooms. Enjoy sharing a dinner before the movie! Sign up by sending an email to before 3 November, limited places available. The cost for the dinner is €5, profits will go directly to the Safer Safer project contributing to young girls’ reproductive health in the Duayaw Nkwanta community in Ghana (

For more information, go to: of