Wie zijn wij?

Stichting Boerengroep (Peasant Foundation) is een studentenstichting van Wageningen Universiteit die als doel heeft de universiteit (studenten, onderzoek, onderwijs) te verbinden met de realiteit en uitdagingen van boeren in Nederland en wereldwijd. Op deze manier strijden we voor sociale, rechtvaardige en duurzame voedselproductie. Dit doen we door studenten in het veld te brengen en boeren in collegezalen van de universiteit.

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Aankomende evenementen

Farmer’s Tales: Ferme du Bec Hellouin

25/11/2020 @ 20:00 – 21:30 – Farmer’s Tales is back with the kick-off to a series of conversations with peasant farmers of Europe!    Are you curious to learn more about the implementation of climate-smart agriculture in line with the principles of food sovereignty? What about the scalability of fossil-free microfarms? Explore these topics, and more, through an online conversation with […]

About Peatlands

04/11/2020 @ 20:00 – 21:30 – Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86253564972 If we want a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, we need to increase our carbon sinks. Strengthening peatlands is one of the three most important ways to do that, stated Frans Timmermans during the EU Farm to Fork Conference on 15th of October. Here and there, peatlands turn out to be a critical […]

Docu-Night: Kiss the Ground

29/10/2020 @ 20:00 – 22:00 – Every time you eat a vegetable, you are basically kissing the ground. The question is, what kind of ground do you want to be kissing?  The hit documentary “Kiss the Ground” depicts the banding together of a revolutionary group of activists, scientists, farmers, and politicians in a global movement of Regenerative Agriculture that could balance […]

Alternatieve Scriptie- en Stagemarkt

05/10/2020 @ 16:00 – 19:00 – Are you looking for an internship or thesis topic? Do you want to work together with an organisation on the topic of sustainable development? Then visit the Alternative Thesis & Internship Market! This “market” is part of the Seriously Sustainable Week, organized by Green Office and Thuis, and is organized by Green Office, Boerengroep and […]

Agriculture in the face of drought

24/06/2020 @ 19:30 – 21:00 – For the fourth year in a row, this summer promises to be a very dry one. More intense and frequent droughts are thought to be one of the most immediate consequences of climate change. But it is not a new problem. Farmers in the Netherlands have had problems with drought ever since the 70s. Drought […]

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