Wie zijn wij?

Stichting Boerengroep (Peasant Foundation) is een studentenstichting van Wageningen Universiteit die als doel heeft de universiteit (studenten, onderzoek, onderwijs) te verbinden met de realiteit en uitdagingen van boeren in Nederland en wereldwijd. Op deze manier strijden we voor sociale, rechtvaardige en duurzame voedselproductie. Dit doen we door studenten in het veld te brengen en boeren in collegezalen van de universiteit.

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Aankomende evenementen

International Day of Peasant Struggles

17/04/2023 @ 10:30 – 14:00 – Dear comrades, The International Day of Peasant Struggles is coming soon and we would like to invite you to a collective farming event in order to work the land together, share a strong collective statement and show solidarity with other land struggles. With the collaboration of Toekomstboeren, ASEED and Cityplot, the farmers from PLUK CSA […]

Excursion to De Biesterhof!

14/05/2023 @ All Day – On May 14, we will go to De Biesterhof, near Nijmegen! Howard and Claudi will show us their farm-in-the-making, which they do in collaboration with Land van Ons. Find more information: https://www.biesterhof.nl/ Sign-up via this form: https://forms.gle/XLS584kSNrCATaDD6 When: 14 May, 2023 Time: TBA Meet-up location: Radix Parkinglot, Wageningen Campus Bring: clothes and shoes that don’t mind […]

Farmer’s Tales #5 with Wouter van Eck

17/05/2023 @ 12:30 – 13:30 – 12:30 – 13:30 @ Speaker’s Corner of Impulse (Wageningen Campus) On May 17 we welcome Wouter van Eck back to Wageningen Campus, where he will tell the story of setting up the first Food Forest in The Netherlands and how the movement has grown over the years!

Farmer’s Tale #4 with Dido & David from Kapitaloceen!

19/04/2023 @ 12:30 – 13:30 – 12:30-13:30, Speaker’s Corner at Impulse (Wageningen Campus) On 19 April during lunch break, Boerengroep presents Farmer’s Tales #4, a bi-weekly dialogue with farmers on the practice of food production. Stichting Kapitaloceen takes farmland off the market and proposes a radical ecological and social alternative to monoculture. The foundation grants access to land to those for […]

Boerengroep excursion + working session at Eet Meerbosch and Waalgaard

25/03/2023 @ 09:30 – 16:30 – Boerengroep is back with the first excursion of 2023! We are going with to two farms in the region of Nijmegen: de Waalgaard (https://www.waalgaard.nl/) and Eet Meerbosch (https://eetmeerbosch.nl/). De Waalgaard and Eet Meerbosch are farms that have a Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) model and produce food in a Food Forest! The harvest-shareholders can harvest themselves. Eet […]

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