Participatory Guarantee System

workshop, part of I-Week

Is it possible to include the participation of farmers, technicians and consumers in an organic certification system? How?

Yes, it is and even more. Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) is a certification system based on the active participation of all the key stakeholders of the supply chain of organic food. This certification system relies upon trust, social networks and knowledge exchange mechanisms. Also the philosophy of PGS entails the idea of collective responsibility.

PGS also reflects the core values and identity of the organic movement and supports the domestic market. Therefore, it is suitable with smallholders and diversified peasants and more adapted to the local context. This certification system also encourages capacity-building, empowerment and responsibility in the territory.

Through the case study of the Ecovida and Centro Ecológico you will discover the horizontal organizational structure, mechanisms used (farmer group meetings, peer visits, verification visits, documents, etc.) and the key aspects (social cohesion, compromise, openness, etc.) that make successful PGS. These organizations also combine the campesino-a-campesino (famer-to-farmer) methodology with PGS.

How is possible to combine all these advantages and guaranteeing organic standards at the same time? Which other advantages does PGS offer?

Do you want to know more about PGS? Do you want to participate designing a PGS in a workshop? Come to discover it during a participative workshop on the 12th of July.

What: workshop which forms part of the iWeeks
By: Blanca Martin Brasas – MSc Organic Agriculture Wageningen UR
When: Fri, 12 July, 9:00-17:00
(The Friday programme of the iWeeks is called “Environmental Justice and Stakeholder Engagement”, read more)
Where: ClockHouse Wageningen (Generaal Foulkesweg 37, 6703BL).
Costs for attending is €10 per day. read more
Register: by sending a mail to: of read more