
ANDERE KOEK! – Bijzondere excursie op 27 juni naar Belgische pioniers van ‘zwart goud’ en eetbare stadsjungle. Permacultuur ‘n tandje hoger. / Permaculture excursion to professional composters and edible jungle in Belgium. Read more


reconnecting people, soil and food

Permaculture has emerged as a response to industrial agriculture and food. It seeks “to assist people to become more self reliant through the design and development of productive and sustainable gardens and farms” (Halmgrem 1997). Fiona Morris (Transition Towns Vallei) and Fransje de Waard (De Waard Eetbaar Landschap) will talk about the permaculture movement and practice.

time: Monday June 4 at 19:30
place: Forum building Wageningen
register: please click hier inschrijven to reserve a seat

Fiona Morris first worked on permaculture as a scientific concept for landscape design, and now experiences permaculture in practice in her Transition Towns Permagarden at the border of Wageningen. In her presentation she will cover the following: The TTPermagarden is a permaculture garden with a difference; a voluntary Transition Towns project investigating local approaches for sustainability. Permaculture has a history of applying both old wisdom and new science in experimental productive ecologies with high levels of observation and learning from feedback. Permaculture food growing is increasingly popular among urban grassroots initiatives despite little being known about what it can deliver – so, in a life sciences university town what could be better than a garden designed to trial its numerous ecological productive plant systems? Through basic methods, such as weighing produce, we hope to generate some helpful data. The garden’s work uses and connects subjects such as organic agriculture, ecology, agroecology, soil science, social science and landscape architecture; and its main approaches are:

  • ‘Re-skilling’ – equipping people to grow food in the face of increasing food prices
  • Trialling – learning how to apply ecological food growing techniques
  • Demonstrating – How the food production system can integrate with and benefit native wildlife

Fransje de Waard is one of the very few official permaculture instructors in the Netherlands. In her book Tuinen van Overvloed: using permaculture to inspire sustainable living, which was recently replublished, she reconnects ecology and economy with a socially just food system in practice. With courses in food, sustainable design, and urban agriculture Fransje de Waard pushes and pulls towards sustainable and just food system. Her passions are food democracy and living soil. On Monday June 4, Fransje de Waard will focus on permaculture as a new perspective and systemic approach for sustainable food systems.