25-26-27 Nov 2015 SYMPOSIUM: Rural development, peace talks and peace building in Colombia

Symposium Colombia picture

“Another way of understanding Peace is by considering the reasons behind this conflict and trying to find a solution.” – Javier Giraldo

Colombia has suffered for decades from a very violent armed conflict resulting in more than 300.000 people brutally killed, 50.000 people missing and more than 6.000.000 people displaced. Many claim that (international) interests regarding land and resources are the very core of the conflict. Currently, the colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) have signed some partial agreements in order to end this conflict. The majority of colombians hope that in the next 6 months both actors can reach a final agreement and start the phase of peace-building.

Since we believe it is important to support the current peace talks at the academic level – which will comply an important role in the success of the implementation of these agreements, especially in rural areas where the armed conflict has been felt more than in the cities – the Boerengroep, LAST and the SDC chairgroup are currently involved in the organization of a three day Symposium: Rural development, peace talks and peace-building in Colombia.

In order to better understand the importance of the current Peace Talks in Havana, Cuba, and to critically reflect upon the threats regarding rural development in Colombia, we will generate an academic and cultural space to exchange knowledge, opinions and proposals – focusing on the first document signed in Havana. (See also a report of TNI)


Wednesday 25th Nov

13:00, the Spot, Orion. Inauguration of the photography exhibition: RURALITIES by Miriam Vreman and Mario Niño Villamizar

18:00-19:45 C222 (Forum, Wageningen). Interview with Ricardo Sabogal, Director of the Land Restitution office of Colombia and Francisco Amaya, Vice-president of the Peasant Association of the Cimitarra river Valley, (ACVC)

Click hier inschrijven for the recordings of the interview

20:00-22:00, C222 (Forum, Wageningen) Marathon of Colombian Short films by Colombian filmmaker Mario Niño Villamizar, part I

Thursday 26th Nov

18:00-19:45, C214 (Forum, Wageningen). Introductory Lecture: Historical roots of the Colombian conflict by Alfredo Molano Bravo

20:00-22:00, C214 (Forum, Wageningen). Interview Inti Asprilla, Colombian parliamentarian and Cesar Jerez, spokesman of the National Association of Peasant Reserve Zones (ANZORC).

Click hier inschrijven for the recordings of the interview

Friday 27th Nov

18:00-19:45 C222 (Forum, Wageningen) Interview: Rural development from the perspective of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP), live from Havana, Cuba.
Click hier inschrijven for the recordings of the skype interview with Tanja Nijmeijer from the FARC-EP.

20:00-22:00, The Spot (Orion, Wageningen) Marathon of Colombian Short films, part II

22:00-03:00 LATIN PEACE PARTY @ the Spot (Orion, Wageningen). Celebrate peace with us, enjoy Colombian food, latin music by DJ-LatinSound and Bolivariana Solidarity Beer!

25-26-27 Permanent photograph exhibition

RURALITIES, photography exhibition on Rural Colombia at the Spot, (Orion, Wageningen)

C222 and C214, Forum: Droevendaalsesteeg 2; Gebouw 102; 6708 PB Wageningen, the Netherlands
the Spot, Orion: Bronland 1; Building 103; 6708 WH Wageningen, the Netherlands