Lokale Producten


Here you can find shops, farms and gardens that sell local products in the surrounding of Wageningen. (For local producers in the Netherlands can find a list ‘lekker naar de boer’ of ‘Van Eigen Erf’. See also the map of short chains in the Netherlands by VoedselAnders or the map with CSA’s.)

Tuinderij het Lichtveen Chris en Pauline

No-dig garden Tuinderij ‘t Lichtveen

Thursday = volunteer day at Lichtveen! Welcome to join : )

Tuinderij het Lichtveen is a small-scale market garden in Bennekom, the Netherlands. It is run following the principles of agroecology and regenerative agriculture. This means focusing on building the health of the soil and wider farm ecosystem and providing food through short supply-chains to our local community. We grow on land rented from organic dairy farm Boerderij de Hooilanden. Here we are transforming a plot of former pasture into a productive and sustainable no-dig market garden, producing a wide range of healthy and nutritious vegetables, herbs and fruits.

Together with Elske Hageraats, we also give the course (in Dutch) Agro-Ecologie in de praktijk, for people who want to become an agroecological gardener. See: https://www.agro-ecologie.nu/cursus/

Next to that we give workshops in Dutch and English. See: https://www.lichtveen.nl/workshops

Address: Slagsteeg 20, 6721 NR Bennekom
Mail: info@lichtveen.nl
Site: https://www.lichtveen.nl/


Hoge Born

Hoge Born

De Hoge Born is an organic care farm, a few minutes away from the WUR campus. In their farm shop, you can buy the most delicious eggs from their own chickens, as well as tasty organic vegetables and other organic products. The Hoge Born is also looking for volunteers! Are you interested in volunteering? Please contact Hans Janssen.

 The Farm Shop is open:
* Monday – Friday: 12:00-17:00
* Saturday: 10:30 – 14:30
Address: Bornsesteeg 87, 6708 PD WAGENINGEN
Phone shop: 0659446534
Mail: winkeldehogeborn@gmail.com
Site: dehogeborn.nl

Pluktuin de Bosrand

Pluktuin de Bosrand is a pick-our own fruit and flower garden plus a tea-garden situated on one of the most beautiful spots of Wageningen. It produces on 0,8 hectare with respect for human and nature a wide variety of fruit and flowers throughout the growing season, which you can harvest yourself during opening hours. Payment is by weight or piece (fruit) or sice of the bouquet. You don’t need a subscription. You can also pick your own herbs (like over 15 types of mint, roses, lavendel) for your tea or have a coffee while you enjoy the great view on the Wageningse Eng.

More info can be found on the website http://pluktuindebosrand.nl/

Opening hours during season

Mon & Fri: 12.30-17.30

Sat: 11.00-17.00 (April-October),

plus Sun:  if mentioned on website and Facebook 11.00-16.00

Address: Pluktuin de Bosrand, Dorskampweg tegenover 15, 6704 PB Wageningen

Phone: 0649958208 (Petra Lenskens)

Mail: info@pluktuindebosrand.nl

Site: http://pluktuindebosrand.nl/



De Nieuwe Ronde (CSA)

At two beautiful locations (in total 3 hectare) you can find CSA the Nieuwe Ronde (‘The New Round’) with many different species of vegetables, fruit and flowers for more than 200 families. You can become a member and harvest your own vegetables here. It’s also possible to become a volunteer. For more info, contact Klaas and Pieter via info@denieuweronde.nl  Address: * Oude Diedenweg 108, Wageningen (farmer Klaas) * 1e Honingblokpad, Wageningen (farmer Pieter)





Care Farm Makandra

Care farm Makandra – part of ‘s Heeren Loo – is a farm of more than 300 years old, located at the beautiful estate Kernhem in Ede. They also have a farm shop where you can find many organic veggies, as well as fruit, honey, eggs, Remeker Cheese (if you’re looking for real Dutch cheese, this is the one) and organic meat from Jersey cows.




creative community garden

Creative Community Garden, Wageningen

Next to the Hoge Born, three minutes away from the WUR campus – you will find the Creative Community Garden. Here, students and Wageningen inhabitants come together to enjoy gardening, permaculture, yoga, meditation, building pizza ovens and greenhouses, have pizza evenings, workshops and many more! You are all very welcome to join! There is also the option to become a member and have your own little plot of land. On the website you can find the open werksessies in de tuin, maar ook feesten en workshops. Tot ziens in de Community Garden!

Ommuurde Tuin

De Ommuurde tuin is the historical kitchen garden of King Willem III. Nowadays it is owned by Esther Kuiler. You can become a member and get a veggy bag every week, or buy organic vegetables at the garden shop. On Wednesday and Saturday the garden shop is open where you can buy all the products or enjoy coffee or tea at the terras. The garden is also the home for bees, owned by a bio dynamic bee keeper.


Veld en Beek

Veld and Beek is a biodynamic dairy farm with traditional Dutch breed of cows. Veld and Beek has a very special way of selling their products in a consumer cooperative. You can become a member and order delicious biodynamic locally produced milk, yoghurt, butter, meat, cheese, cream as well as vegetables and potatoes! Members get a key and they can access the products 24/7 in Wageningen. Veld en Beek is also a special farm, since the stable of the cows is used as greenhouse in summer!
Address: Fonteinallee 33, 6865 ND Doorwerth.




Tuinderij De Stroom

De Stroom is een biologische tuin van 4 hectare, eigendom van de jonge boeren Angelien, Welmoet en Linde. Zij telen meer dan 35 soorten groenten voor de groentetassen en voor biologische winkels zoals Lazuur. Zie ook deze leuke video about the young farmers! You can become a member and receive a bag full of organic, local vegetables! Would you like to volunteer? Help is needed from April onwars for planting, weeding, harvesting and making the veggie bags. Contact Welmoet, Angelien and Linde via: info(at)tuinderijdestroom.nl
Address: Hemmensestraat 17, Randwijk (close to Wageningen)      




Organic Shop Kardoen, Bennekom

At the Kardoen in Bennekom, you can find organic products from local farmers as well as many other organic products. It’s also possible to pick up you veggy bag here.
Address: Marktplein 9, 6721 JG Bennekom






Organic farm De Hooilanden

De Hooilanden is a beautiful organic dairy farm in Bennekom, north of Wageningen, with 80 ‘Blaarkop’ cows – a traditional Dutch breed. You can buy local products (meat, dairy, butter, eggs) in their farm shop, but there is also the possibility to ‘tap’ raw milk for only one euro per liter (please bring your own bottle). The farm shop is open every Saturday from 10:30- 15:30.

Address: Slagsteeg 20, 6721 NR  Bennekom. You can also contact Floortje de Kanter 00316 48383101





Engelenhove – Brandrood Kaas

The Engelenhove is a Dairy farm with an authentic old Dutch breed, the Brandrode Rund. They are the only ones to make cheese from raw milk according to a special recipe. The Engelenhoeve farm was built in 1652 and it is a national monument. It is one of four farms located in the Kernhem estate of 20 ha of land. Address: Kernhemseweg 6, 6718 ZB Ede



Why go local?

First of all its nice to see where your food comes from, how it grows and how its treated. But there’s more reasons: did you know that every year, consumers in rich countries waste almost as much food (222 million tonnes) as the entire net food production of sub-Saharan Africa (230 million tonnes)? Roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year — approximately 1.3 billion tonnes — gets lost or wasted, due to processing, distribution, storage, or simply wasted by the consumer. Even if 1/4th of the food currently lost/wasted globally could be saved, it would be enough to feed 870 million hungry people in the world (Report from FAO). What can we do about it? Get some non-processed products from local producers. Tap your ‘raw’ milk straight from the farm, find some tasty organic veggies in all the beautiful gardens surrounding Wageningen, and get some cheese from real Dutch cows. Yummie!

Another reason to go local is that you support the peasants, both those from who you buy directly (all the money goes directly to the producer) as well as peasants in other countries who are under threat of violent land grabs by big corporations. Every euro you spend on a local farmer, you are not spending (=fuelling) the agribusiness. A win-win-win situation.