Vacancies Coordinator – Boerengroep & Inspringtheatre

Coordinator Boerengroep

20 hours a week, minimum hour wage

Promote sustainable, just agriculture among students, farmers, citizens, and policymakers!
Do you have a passion for food, agriculture, and sustainable development? Or do you enjoy
fostering dialogue about sustainability and justice in the future food system? Then, we are
looking for you! Stichting Boerengroep is seeking a new coördinator from March 1st
Stichting Boerengroep connects farmers and students, bridging the gap between agricultural
practice and theory. It advocates for healthy and social agriculture and organizes activities that
encourage a critical perspective. The activities undertaken by Boerengroep vary widely, including
excursions, discussions, lectures, courses, films, networking, and more!
As the coordinator of Boerengroep, you are a key figure in a web of students, farmers, advocacy
groups, and educational institutions. You initiate activities and support initiatives by WUR students,
both in terms of content and organization. With a background in agriculture and food (in theory and/or
practice), you are familiar with the field and can quickly respond to current events. As a coordinator,
you have a lot of freedom to shape the role according to specific needs. You work well independently,
possess a proactive mindset, and are creatively inclined. You collaborate with an international board
comprising WUR students. Additionally, you mentor (international) students undertaking internships
with Boerengroep, assisting them in organizing events related to agriculture based on their chosen
topics. Lastly, you actively contribute to the Farm Experience Internship (FEI), a summer course
organized by Boerengroep every summer.

Tasks and Responsibilities Profile

● Coordinating activities for Boerengroep
(events, excursions, lectures, etc.)
● Supervising students during their thesis
or internship
● Contribute to the FEI organization
● Maintaining contacts and expanding the
network of Boerengroep
● Recruiting volunteers and board
● Promotion through social media, website,
● Social, Assertive, Flexible, Critical,
Initiative-driven, and Independent
● Knowledge of, or affinity with, sustainable
agriculture and nature
● Passion to contribute to a fair and
sustainable food system
● Experience in organizing activities
Familiarity with Wageningen and the surrounding
area (= preferred)
Residing in (or near) Wageningen

St. Boerengroep connects farmers and students, and introduces students to the reality of farm life, and
encourages a critical attitude towards agricultural developments. This is achieved, among other things,
through the method of ‘Forum Theater,’ for which the coordinator of Inspringtheater is responsible.
You work closely with the coordinator of Inspringtheater.

What does Boerengroep offer?

A part-time employment contract of at least 1 year, with the possibility of extension for another year.
Within this period, you have a lot of freedom to develop your own ideas. You work alongside a young
team of board members and volunteers. There is office space with facilities and a building for
rehearsals. There is ample opportunity to expand your network, develop knowledge of theater and
agriculture, and gain experience in running a small organization.
For more information, check: or mail to

Send your CV and motivation letter to by 29 February 2024!

Coordinator Inspringtheater

10 hours a week, minimum hour wage

Amplify the voices of students, farmers, citizens and policy-makes using interactive theater!
Have you always had a passion for (interactive) theater alongside your studies at WUR? Or do you, as
a (amateur) theater maker, enjoy engaging in stimulating dialogue on sustainable themes?
Inspringtheater is looking for a new coordinator starting in May 2024!
Inspringtheater (IT), a part of St. Boerengroep, organizes interactive theater performances on current
societal and agrarian issues. The audience is taken into the perspective of ‘the oppressed’ and has the
opportunity to ‘jump in’ to try out solutions in oppressive or complex situations. In this way,
Inspringtheater can make sensitive topics discussable in a light-hearted manner, facilitating a
constructive dialogue.
As the coordinator of IT, you are a key figure in the artistic, theatrical branch of Boerengroep. Your
responsibilities include coordinating theater performances and workshops, attracting new clients,
players, and board members, conducting PR activities, and collaborating with the board to create the
annual plan for Inspringtheater. You work proactively and independently, with a flexible approach to
working hours (including evenings and weekends). Spending some hours per week in the office is
preferable, and we expect you to attend the board meetings at least once a month.

Tasks and Responsibilities Profile

● Coordination of performances, workshops,
training, plays and rehearsals with the
current actors.
● Recruit new projects and assignments
● Maintain contacts and expand the network
● Recruit actors and board members
● Promotional activities, e.g. social media,
● Financial administration together with the
● Being able to host workshops is an
● Social, Creative, Flexible, Critical,
Initiating, Independent
● Knowledge or affinity with theater,
sustainable agriculture and nature
● Enthusiasm to create new theater
performances or plays, or build on
existing ones (in collaboration with a
professional director!)
● Experience with organizing events or
Familiar with interactive theater methods
Familiar with Wageningen and its surroundings
Living in the proximity of Wageningen

The IT performances are created under the guidance of a professional director and performed by
volunteers, usually (former) students of Wageningen University. Clients include rural organizations,
government agencies, and educational institutions.
St. Boerengroep connects farmers and students, advocating for ‘sustainable’ agriculture and
encouraging a critical stance towards agricultural developments. Inspringtheater contributes to this by
introducing students to ‘forum theater’ and the reality of farm life.

What does Boerengroep offer?
A part-time employment contract of at least 1 year, with the possibility of extension for another year.
Within this period, you have a lot of freedom to develop your own ideas. You work alongside a young
team of board members and volunteers. There is office space with facilities and a building for
rehearsals. There is ample opportunity to expand your network, develop knowledge of theater and
agriculture, and gain experience in running a small organization.
For more information, check: or mail to

Send your CV and motivation letter to by 31 March 2024!