Vacancy: Coordinator

Stichting Boerengroep is looking for a new coordinator as starting 1 April 2023.

Stichting Boerengroep bridges the gap between agricultural practice and agricultural theory. Boerengroep is committed to healthy and social agriculture and organizes activities for this purpose that stimulate a critical attitude among students and farmers, such as excursions and working days at farms, discussions, lectures, courses and films.

The coordinator of the Boerengroep is a spider in the web of students, farmers, interest groups and educational institutions. You initiate activities and support initiatives of others. You maintain the network around Boerengroep and are in close contact with the organization’s partners. With a background in agriculture and food (in theory and/or practice), you know the important networks and you are able to respond quickly to current events. As a coordinator, you are given a great deal of freedom to fill the position specifically. You therefore function well independently, have a proactive attitude and a creative mind. You will work together with an international board, mainly consisting of WUR students. You also supervise (international) students who do an internship with Boerengroep. You help the students with setting up events around subjects chosen by them, related to agriculture. Finally, you also help organize the summer course Farm Experience Internship (FEI), which is organized every summer by the Boerengroep.

– Strong and enthusiastic personality who likes to take the lead.
– Passionate about sustainable and fair agriculture.
– Doer, hands-on mentality, able to work independently.
– Pro-active, social, flexible and creative. Minimum of 1 year, preferably 2 years available.

Knowledge and experience
– Network within and/or education at Van Hall Larenstein or WUR preferred.
– Knowledge of and affinity with agricultural issues.
– Experience in organizing activities with volunteers.– Affinity with the objectives of Stichting Boerengroep.


– Communicative and organizational skills
– Fluent in English and Dutch (preferred but not necessary), both written and oral.

We offer a contract of 20 hours a week, with a compensation of €14.50 per hour approximately.

For more info see:

Send your CV with a motivation letter to before 8th of March 2023, and we will hold interviews during the week of 13th March.