Vacancy treasurer

We are looking for a new treasurer! (preferably a Dutch speaker).

Short description in English:

The Peasant Foundation is looking for a new treasurer! No experience needed!

The Peasant Foundation is part of a large movement that fights for food sovereignty, a fair price for farmers, and an ecologically responsible food system! Do you want to largen your network, learn important skills that you might need in your future professional life, and most of all, become a part of a 50 year old foundation that consists of young people eager to get to know the realities of farmers and connect theory and practice on a daily base.

The work of a treasurer mainly exists of doing payments and financial administration. The treasurer is also expected to join the biweekly board meetings, and to set up the financial part of the year plan and the year report. The work is expected to take about 2-4 hours a week, with perhaps the exception of the weeks when we work on the year report and the year plan (January and September).

If you’re interested in sustainable farming systems and are eager to connect people and get to know Boerengroep, then don’t hesitate to send an email to, and then we can set up a meeting to chat about the function.