Water Justice!

part of Grassroots Science

Based on their experiences of the world water forum 2012 and the alternative world water forum 2012, both held in Marseille, Rossella, Giacomo and Sara, will present the narratives and discourses  that dominate thinking about water and promising counter narratives. Rutgerd Boelens, Associate Professor irrigation and water management and Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Peru, will talk about the problematic of the dominant paradigms in the sphere of irrigation and water management with respect to social justice and how communities have been able resist blueprints derived from these paradigms and devise their own alternatives. He will also present the research and action strategies of the international Justicia Hídrica / Water Justice alliance that he is coordinating. read more about this project


time: Wednesday March 21
place: Forum building Wageningen
register: please click hier inschrijven to reserve a seat