Who are we?

Stichting Boerengroep (Peasant Foundation) is a student foundation at Wageningen University that aims to connect the university (students, research, education) with the reality and challenges of farmers in the Netherlands and worldwide. In this way we fight for social, just and sustainable food production. We do this by bringing students into the fields and farmers into lecture rooms at the university.

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Upcoming events

Farm Experience Internship 2022

18/07/2022 – 12/08/2022 @ All Day – Are you interested in growing your own food, discovering local knowledge and practices on organic farms in the Netherlands? Do you want to learn about agroecology, food sovereignty and sustainable food systems? Or would you like to interact and discuss with farmers, peasants and gardeners to find creative, innovative ways of food production? Then sign […]

PruimGeluk Plum Orchard Pruning Day 2022

19/03/2022 @ 09:00 – 16:00 – Last year PruimGeluk saved an old plum orchard from being uprooted. With 550 trees of 18 different varieties, it can without a doubt be regarded as a santuary for (agro)biodiversity and cultural history. Although its wildness conjures up a sense of magic, the orchard and its trees are in bad shape due to years of […]

Palestinian Peasants: Struggles against Settler Colonialism

24/03/2022 @ 19:30 – 21:00 – Register here: https://forms.gle/xnKgwruxvEwgUUXb6 24/03/2022, 19:30 – 21:00 Hybrid: Forum B0404 / Online Join us on Thursday 24/03 for an important discussion on the struggles of Palestinian peasants. This event is organized by Stichting Boerengroep and the Rural Sociology Group, in response to the decision of the Dutch government in January 2022 to withdraw their financial support […]

Food Forest Loonse Bos in Helvoirt: Working Day

12/03/2022 @ 09:00 – 18:00 – Register here to join: https://forms.gle/o3X4v9wRNLTyjjdF6 Join us for a fun and informative working day at a new food forest in Helvoirt, in Brabant (Loonse Baan 1a, Helvoirt). The food forest is about 2 ha, characterized by plants in tighter rows, with the emphasis on the cultivation of nuts such as hazelnuts, pecans and walnuts and fruit […]

Working session @Pluktuin De Basis

13/03/2022 @ 10:30 – 16:30 – Pluktuin De Basis is the new picking garden in the Wageningse Eng, 10 min from the city center and the uni! Farmer Francine took over a piece of land adjacent to Pluktuin de Bosrand to grow fresh fruits, veggies and herbs for the people of Wageningen. Now that her farming system has been redesigned, it’s […]

Docu-night: The Market Gardener’s Toolkit

31/03/2022 @ 20:00 – 22:00 –   Boerengroep is organizing a docu-night! Thursday the 31st of March we are going to watch the documentary “The Market Gardener’s toolkit”. This documentary is about the farm (Les Jardins de la Grelinette) of Jean-Martin Fortier, one of the most famous market gardeners in the world. Les Jardins de la Grelinette was named after the […]

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