June Grassroot Science: Palm Oil

Palm Oil poster

Otherwise, RUW, Boerengroep and FIAN Netherlands are organising a series of activities on the issue of Palm Oil production and consumption. This diverse programme consisting of a documentary screening, a panel debate, a Skype with local farmers and a workshop will be taking place throughout June.
Movie + Speaker
On the 8th of June Grass roots science will Kick off with a screening of Land grabbing! The documentary (Landraub) by Kurt Langbein takes a closer look into the grey shades of flex crops. Land grabbing addresses violations of land rights of local farmers under the neocolonialism phenomenon demonstrated by big land investments from international agro-business companies.
– Speaker:Β  A presentation about the ”flex crops” will take place, before the screening of Land Grabbing documentary, by the PhD researcher Yunan Xu.
The presentation will provide a preliminary analysis of how oil palm fits into the flex crop framework in terms of its material basis, technological feasibility and profit viability, as well as the challenging questions arise within the flex crop framework for critical transnational advocacy and campaigning efforts.
Yunan Xu is a PhD Candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Netherlands. Her research interests include industrial tree plantations, land, agrarian development, rural capitalism and food safety.
Did you know that palm oil is hidden in cosmetics as sodium palmate but also lauryl glucoside and even coco-caprylate!? During the workshop by http://facebook.com/alternactivities you’ll make your own deodorant and toothpaste from natural and ecological ingredients.
18 June, 14.00-17.00 Clockhouse Building, €8
Register now, limited places available! Send an email to jildou.friso@wur.nl with your name and phonenumber, payment on the day itself
Panel Discussion
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is received as a true front runner in public private partnerships and as an example of innovative governance in the globalized 21st century. At the same time palm oil production is still making headlines for the substantial it has on producers, nearby communities and the environment alike.
During this paneldiscussion we will engage representatives from the RSPO department in the Netherlands, Academics and NGO representatives about the impact of the RSPO so far, how governance on palm oil production could be arranged different or how the RSPO could be improved.
June 21st 19:30
Location: To be Announced!