
a healthy chance for development?

Quínoa is gaining a lot of attention lately: it is a healthy protein rich pseudo grain, and very tasty. The FAO has even coined 2013 the International Year of the Quínoa. With surging demand the price of Quínoa has however risen. Many people that relied on Quínoa as their staple food now have trouble purchasing it. What can be done to make it work? Join this evening, learn about the ins, outs and dilemmas surrounding Quínoa and get a taste of it.

Lucienne Berenschot en Marisabel Pardo – Stichting Hoogland Indianen
Saskia Leenders – Natuurvoedingskundige in opleiding
Roberto Calzadilla – Ambassador of Bolivia
Giel Ton – Development Economist

What: meal (optional, €10, please subscribe), and lecture and informal discussion (free admission)
When: Tuesday May 28 at 18:00 (meal) and at 20:00 (lecture/discussion)
Where: Vreemde Streken Wageningen
Organisation: Stichting Hoogland Indianen, Buys&Ko, Boerengroep, Otherwise, Tinku