Food,Farmers&Forks Rainbow Dinner

Join us for an evening of deliciously colorful food, delightful conversation and a film.  Please bring a dish of a specific color. (remember to bring your own plate & utensils)
For example you could make: 
Red-beet soup or salad or anything tomatoey
Orange-Pumpkin pie or a large box of clementines
Yellow-Squash soup
Green-uhhhh the possibilities are endless
Blue-a bit more challenging…surprise us
Purple-Red Cabbage stew
Brown-Lentil…..or other brown foods…
Black-Black beans
White-Mashed potatoes

(post the color of your choice and what you plan on making on facebook so we done end up with the same thing.)

There are plenty of choices. Be creative and try to make a meal with as small of a carbon foot print as possible. Making a vegetarian or vegan dish using locally grown vegetables is a great way to do just that.

May in season vegetables are available for a great price at the Hoge Born.

If you have any questions please feel free to send us an e-mail.

Saturday December 17 at 7:30pm, common Barrack Droevendaal