15 March: Satoyama: the Re-Peasantization of Japan

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Boerengroep and RSO chairgroup invited 11 guest speakers who will share their knowledge on SATOYAMA: the re-peasantization of Japan. Satoyama refers to the traditional multi-functional peasant landscapes of the Japanese countryside, as well as their layered social, cultural, economic and ecological functions.

What are the merits of Satoyama versus the Dutch Food Valley model favored by the Japanese government and industry?


Guest Speakers will be:


Dr. Hisano, Shuji – Professor of International Political Economy of Agriculture Graduate School of Economics. (Japan)


Haja M RAJAONARISON, Assistant Teaching Staff, Research Fellow, Graduate School of Economics, “The New Political Economy of Agricultural Development and Food Security in sub-Saharan Africa: A capacity driven approach”. (Madagascar).


Mai KOBAYASHI (Ms), (successfully defended her dissertation recently) Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies – “The Productive Farmer: organic agriculture and the changing face of local natural resource use and food production in Western Bhutan”. (Japan/USA)


Fumi IWASHIMA (Ms), JSPS Fellow – PhD Candidate D3, Graduate School of Agriculture,”Co-construction of Rural Gender and Women’s Subject/Agent”. (Japan)


Yuya IIDA (Mr), PhD Candidate D3, Graduate School of Agriculture. “Selling bodyweight: the Filipino migrant farm workers in rural Japan”. (Japan)


JUNG Sungwoong (Mr), PhD Candidate D3, Graduate School of Economics, “Sustainable Food Consumption as an Alternative to Market-driven Agrifood System in South Korea”. (Korea)


KE Jinghan (Ms), PhD Candidate D2, Graduate School of Economics, “Food Provisioning and Consumers’ Safety Concerns: A case of vegetables in China”. (China)


Shobha POUDEL (Ms), PhD Candidate D2, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, “Climate variability and crop yield relationship in a mountainous environment: A case study of Lamjung district, Nepal”. (Nepal)


Anom Sigit SURYAWAN (Mr), 2nd year of Master programme, Graduate School of Economics, “The Haral Turmoil: Politics of Halal Policy Reform in Indonesia under the Law on Halal Product Assurance”. (Indonesia)


WANG Yiming (Ms), Research student, Graduate School of Economics, “Food Security Policy of China from an International Relations Perspectives”. (China)


Ms Yukino KADOMA (Ms), 4th year of Bachelor programme, Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, “The Practice of Agricultural Extension in Thailand: What is the key to success?” (Japan)