Seed Swap by TTvallei

Tuesday 7 may, 19.30-22 hour, voluntary contribution, Hesselink van Suchtelenweg, Wageningen.
Come and swap your spare plants and seeds!
On Tuesday 7 may Transition Town Vallei organises a plant and seed swapping event at Hesselink van Suchtelenweg from 19.30 till 22 hour. For everyone who has plants, herbs and seedlings left. Also bring your spare vegetable, herb or flower seeds. Take your seeds in little containers and your plants in seperate pots. Both provided with the names.
Location: Hesselink van Suchtelenweg, Wageningen, the building with flat roof behind former Microbiology and former Unitas, take the stairs down.
For more information see:
· Bring and exhibit your seeds between 19 and 19.30 hour on Sunday afternoon. We start swapping the seeds at 19.30 hour.
· Provide the seeds and plants with: plant name, species, harvest place, year of harvest, and your name if you want.
· To prevent disappointment, only bring those seeds and plants that you can spare. Leave the rest at home.
· Do not take home too many seeds or plants and take them after consideration. Other people would also like to swap after you.
· Only come if you really have seeds of plants to swap. If you don’t bring anything, there will be nothing to swab for you.