System of Rice Intensification

Deemed impossible by researchers, farmers in many countries are significantly increasing the yields of rice while at the same time using less water and resources. The System of Rice Intensification, first developed in Madagascar, is now practiced by millions of farmers in Africa and Asia, and continues to spread like wildfire. Its principles have been successfully applied to other crops such as wheat or millet. Yet many doubts remain, including within Wageningen University. What is SRI? Why is it so successful? And how come it receives so little recognition? Find out – and get a copy of the latest issue of Farming Matters magazine, dedicated to the topic.

K.S.V. Prasad (Executive director AME Foundation and editor LEISA India magazine)
Harro Maat (Researcher Wageningen University)
Steve Sherwood (co-founder Groundswell International)

When: 4 April 2013 at 19:30
Where: C314, Forum (Droevendaalsesteeg 2, Wageningen)
Organisations: OtherWise, ILEIA, Boerengroep, AME Foundation, Groundswell International.

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