The Beginner’s Guide to Boerengroep

Do you long for connection to the food-growing community?

There are many paths in life that can lead a person to The Beginner’s Guide to Boerengroep – what matters the most is that you have arrived here. Whether you are new to Wageningen, or simply new to Boerengroep, you are probably aware of the importance of building healthy and resilient food systems for the future. Boerengroep (or Peasant FoundationΒ in English) is a critical student organization that aims to connect farmers with students and researchers. In other words, we are here to democratize the transfer of knowledge between growers, eaters, and thinkers (the three are not mutually exclusive).

There are many exciting initiatives happening in and around Wageningen, the Netherlands, and the world, regarding sustainable food practices, and we bring you the news through events, excursions, and exciting edge-of-your-seat discussions. If all of this sounds interesting, and you are someone who grows food, eats food, or thinks about food, then you should consider joining us at the Boerengroep breaks. What is a break? Every alternate Thursday we (the so-called Boerengroepies) meet in a casual setting to express our deepest desires for the future of humanity, farming, and other topics that evoke a large range of emotions. We gather from 8PM onwards at Cafe onder de Linden. Check out our next break on September 15th here, where we will attempt to dissect the Nitrogen Crisis in a casual setting, over some delicious local beers. You can join the break at leisure, or even consider joining Boerengroep as a volunteer or intern to work on topics such as food sovereignty and climate change in agriculture.

For the more formal side of Boerengroep there is a board meeting every other Tuesday, so once every second week. These meetings are organized in the weeks when there is not a Break. Boerengroep is an open organization and everyone interested can join and participate in a board meeting. Board meetings always start at 6PM, and are usually organized in the Clock House, or Building with the Clock (Generaal Foulkesweg 37, Building 351).

As the new academic year has begun, Wageningen is alive again with new ideas, passion and energy. So come forth and join in, there is much work to be done!