Vacancy: Social Media Coordinator

Do you want to be involved with Boerengroep, help to connect students and farmers and give voice to alternative, sustainable ways of farming?

Are you, above that, a communication wizard and do you know exactly what grasps people’s attention on Facebook and Instagram? Or are you interested to learn more about the depths and potential of our virtual personae? Then we have the position for you!

We’re looking for a general board member that is specifically involved in keeping the Boerengroep Facebook and Instagram relevant and attractive. Depending on how much time you have for this, this task can be shared in greater or lesser extent with other board members and with the coordinator of Boerengroep.

We strive to publish 4-5 posts a week and have a balance between promotion for our events and interesting facts, articles and pictures. The job of the social media coordinator is to make a kind of schedule for when what should be posted and to write the posts or make sure that the responsible board member or the coordinator writes it. These specific tasks could be further specified, according to the applicant.

Want to grow in a socially engaged organization, and expand your network while also learning about peasant struggles and nature-inclusive ways of farming? Then send an email to and become our social media coordinator!