Voedselkaravaan Wageningen on 28th September

Voedselkaravaan1De Voedselkaravaan / The Food Caravan of VoedselAnders is coming to Wageningen on the 28th of September to put the transition towards more sustainable and fair food and agriculture on the agenda. In one evening there will be three events which you can either visit all three to have a full evening program, or just one or two of them: A buffet with movie screening, conversation with Michiel Korthals (philosopher), party with band.

Detailed program and more information on ‘de Voedselkaravaan’: https://www.voedselanders.nl/de-voedselkaravaan-2018/

18:00: Buffet prepared by refugees with a screening of the movie “We are harvesting happiness” (35min. English subtitles) at Vreemde Streken, bio eetbar&catering
http://wijoogstenhiergeluk.nl. Buffet: € 12,50,- (subscribe at Vreemde Streken, more info soon)

20:00 Conversation (in Dutch) about the role that farmers, consumers, governments, food suppliers and retailers can play in a city like Wageningen in promoting more tasty and ethical food with Michiel Korthals (adj. prof. applied philosophy WUR, author “Goed Eten”) and feedback by councillor Lara de Brito. Free entrance

22:00 (after) Party! with the new band of Nikita Sajeev Erik Woltmeijer Sampoerna Soekhram Joris Gvk at Vreemde Streken, bio eetbar&catering. Free entrance

Regularly check this website or follow fb for updates: Facebook VoedselKaravaan Wageningen


De Voedselkaravaan Wageningen wordt georganiseerd door Voedsel Anders in samenwerking met Slow Food Rijnzoet, Boerengroep, OtherWise, Streekeigen Producten Nederland, SP-Wageningen, Vreemde Streken en de bblthk.

Gedetailleerd programma en meer informatie over de Voedselkaravaan: https://www.voedselanders.nl/de-voedselkaravaan-2018/